Bronze Age

Photographer Anna Matthes
Hair Jillian Clapham
Makeup Brie Tait
Styling Myra Gonzales & Anna Matthes
Assistant Stylist Jessica Trunzo
Model Bekka & Morgan G | Swish


The Bronze Age was the second location editorial for The Fashion Outsider and was shot in the Trappist Monastery ruins just outside Winnipeg. A super fun day with nine on set including two models. We pulled inspiration from our Archaic Artistry and Pantone’s Starfish boards for a Greek inspired look. The ruins have these amazing doorways that were once on the first floor. Now that the main floor has eroded away, we essentially shot up from the

basement while our daring models sat eight feet off the ground in these wet, shallow doorways. I used skies, backgrounds and extra images from my honeymoon photos in Nice, France to complete the Mediterranean mood of the shoot.

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